It’s been a mad week here with little time for individual blog updates. So instead I’ve collected the interesting stuff of last week in one post:
- Ireland Retreats To The Dark Ages
Not content to join the rest of the world in the 21st century, Ireland decides to make time go backwards and heads for the Dark Ages at full speed by passing a law against Blasphemy. It’s now illegal in Ireland to take the name of the Lord in vain. Well, Goddammit.
- Sauron’s Evil Eye Burns In The Night Sky
Well, it’s not really the Eye of Sauron, it’s just an eye-shaped galaxy with a supermassive black hole at its center. But it’s still cool.
- Toygasm Overwhelms Adamus
I have a new toy to replace my once-slick-but-now-clunky Tytn II: the HTC Hero. Like many of my new toy acquisitions, it is made of Pure Awesomeness until I get tired of it. Which in this case is likely not to happen for a while. Seamless integration with my Gmail, calendar and contacts, loads of cool apps, smooth interface, and most of all: open source. Fuck you, iPhone.
- U2 Still Rules
I went to see U2 on their 360° tour in Croke Park, Dublin last Friday and it rocked.
That is all.
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